lundi 31 mai 2010

New Twitter Account

New Twitter Account:


mercredi 26 mai 2010

dimanche 23 mai 2010

Missing in action

Sunday 23 May, I count 9 participants who did subscribe to this feed....
So as soon as you have landed:), we count on you to subscribe...
See you soon:)

samedi 22 mai 2010

Progress Test #2


based on lessons 3 & 4

will be on Tuesday, June 8, 2010

at 8.30 am.

The format is pretty much the same as Progress Test #1.

Bonnes révisions ! ;)

Leçon 4 - Festival 1

Personnel Navigant Commercial

Quelle est votre profession?
Je suis steward.
Je suis hôtesse de l’air.

Je suis personnel navigant (commercial). (PNC)
Je suis personnel de bord.

Je suis chef de cabine. (CP)
Je suis chef de cabine principal. (CCP)
 errata: the word "navigant" is spelled without "u", contrarily to what was written in the PowerPoint. All my apoligies for the mistake ;)

jeudi 20 mai 2010

1st assignment (in case you feel bored during these 2 coming weeks:))

1st exercice:
You have to choose the right subject (must match with the verb:))
2nd exercice:
Choose the right one.
3rd exercice:
What to use? "Vous" ou "Tu"?
4th exercice:
Masculin or Féminin?
5th exercice:
Choose either definite article (le, la, l' ou les) or indefinite article (un, une, des).
6th exercice:
The adjectves have to match with the subject (e.g. Carla is a woman so "italien" should be "italien..")
7th exercice:
Put the sentences in plural instead of singular.
8th exercice
Registration in a library. What to do and to say...
Compréhension écrite:
Read the text and tick each time the proposition is correct.

Journaux en français

For girls

PREPOSITIONS: VILLES ET PAYS (cities & countries)

Continents, Pays, Nationalités, Langues

J'aime, j'adore avec Snoopy

Quel est son métier? / Quel est leur métier?

Quel est son métier? / Quel est leur métier?

(What is his/her profession? // Wha tis their profession?)

Le Genre du nom (Gender of Nouns)

French Film Festival

The French Film Festival is still on, for three more days at GSC MidVallley, One-Utama & Pavilion.

Schedules @

Bon film !


Festival 1 - Leçon 4

Festival 1 - Leçon 3

Festival 1, Leçon 2

Festival 1, Lecon 1

Comment épeler son préson et son nom (How to Spell one's first Name and last Name)


mardi 18 mai 2010


Our teaching methods….

Open communication is the key to successfully learning a second language.

Our commitment to you :

- We adapt to our students and to their needs.

- We teach standard french with malaysian context.

- We give you as many opportunities as possible to speak in class.

- We encourage dialogue and feedbacks.

- We only teach grammar notions you need.

- We concentrate on oral communication, but we won’t treat you like a parrot !

- We give you all the tools you need to learn, be automomous and practice your French.

- We always guide you through your learning process and give you feedback to help you improve.

However, be reasonable and patient ! Learning a second language takes some time….

Your involvement :

You are the key to your own success, so get involved !

- Be patient, stay motivated, study.

- Keep in mind that mistakes help us learn…

- Have fun J

- Practice as often as you can….

- Keep in mind that French is not translatable word by word.

Trust us.

Trust yourself.

The French « Dream-Team »

Ladies and Gentlemen, WELCOME ON BOARD!!!:)