samedi 26 juin 2010

Assignment #2 - Attention !

Since I cannot post my comment on the blog (5 days away and it seems like I forgot how it works ;)
I am posting the comment here as a post:

f) Elle voyage comment ? (Comment voyage-t-elle?) (Several answers possible)
Elle voyage à Paris et Amsterdam

comment = how  (the manner)

où = where

Alors, quelle est la réponse possible?

4 commentaires:

  1. I have done my assignment #2 a few days ago. I have put under commentaires. Please have a look. Thanks

  2. Bonjour Syed,

    Oui, j'ai vu. But I couldn't publish any comment there. Something was not working properly with the blog or the Internet.

    Very good except for question f) hence my post here. Another answer is expected with "comment" (How)


  3. Bojour Monsieur Alan,

    For the question (f) (She travel by train to CDG (Paris) airport and by aeroplane from CDG (Paris) to YUL (Montréal) and transit in AMS (Amsterdam)

    f) Elle voyage comment ? (Comment voyage-t-elle?) (Several answers possible)

    Elle voyage par le train et l'avion.

  4. C'est bon.

    Et aussi "en bus" ou "en voiture" lorsqu'elle est a Montreal.
