vendredi 11 juin 2010


7 commentaires:

  1. Bonjour a tous!

    I would like to make a few suggestions here, it is pertaining the IN-FLIGHT SALES conversation guide. I understand that the lecturer has to follow exactly the guidelines given by the company, it's very good way to learn but for the beginners, it is quite or rather difficult to follow exactly the conversation guidelines in French when engaging the conversation with the passengers during in-flight sales.

    There are many ways to converse with the french passengers in a formal way during in-flight sales, for example (not necessary to be this form of conversations) :

    1)Selling duty free items - Monsieur/Madame, Souhaitez-vous acquerir/acheter des articles hors-taxes (Sir/Madam, Do you wish to purchase/buy duty free items?)

    2)Asking for payment - Monsieur/Madame, Vous payez comment? Ou Monsieur/Madame, Comment est-ce que vous payez? Optional (En especes ou par carte bleue/bancaire)
    (Sir/Madam, How do you like to pay? By cash or credit card)

    3)Giving the items purchased - Monsieur/Madame, Voici vos articles, merci pour vos achats (Sir/Madam, here's your item, thank you for shopping/buying with us)

    4)Items not available - Monsieur/Madame, nous sommes desoles, nous n'avons pas l'article que vous avez demande. Souhaitez/Voulez-vous choisir d'autres articles?
    (Sir/madam, we are sorry that the item you requested is not available. Would you like to buy other items?)

    Such a simple , short and easy formal way to converse with the French passengers for beginners might help us to speak with confident if we keep practicing.

    I wish all the best to my colleagues and hope that they can prove to everyone " NOUS SAVONS PARLER FRANCAIS!!!"

    Merci bien!

    *I'm sorry for the spelling without the accent aigu and accent grave etc, I knew how to spell with that but I just don't have the french letters on my keyboard, i hope Monsieur Alan will help us with that. Thank you.


  2. Excellent!

    Thank you Syed for these suggestions.

    The conversation guidelines are very useful and of course represent a standard, but when it comes to real life conversation with passengers, especially in French, it can be made much simpler. This is why your feedback comes handy and it is expected from all participants so that they can really declare "Je sais parler français." or "Je sais parler un peu français." or even "J'apprends le français." (I'm learning French) with confidence.

    It is important to keep statements/questions short and sweet as the English people would put it, the shorter your sentences will be, the lesser the mistakes and pronunciation difficulties you will make/encounter.

    These suggestions we're bearing in mind for the remainder of the course.

    Encore merci!

    PS: Regarding the accents, we can see later how to type them on a desktop keyboard and on a laptop, for Microsoft & Mac users.

  3. Here are some examples of the conversation during in-flight sales. A few sentences might be wrong as I'm not sure about it but as we are still learning, so, don't be afraid to make mistakes. I believe Monsieur Alan would be glad to correct me if there are any mistakes done

    *Regarding the accents, Monsieur Alan will teach us how to use it on our keyboard soon.

    #P.N.C - Personnel Naviguant Commercial
    #Passager - Passenger



    P.N.C: Monsieur/Madame, souhaitez-vous acquerir/acheter des articles hors-taxes?

    Passager: Oui monsieur, je voudrais acheter le parfum, Chanel N 5 Eau Premiere pour ma tante et le parfum Chanel Allure Homme pour mon oncle. Ca fait combien monsieur?

    P.N.C: C’est 610 (cent dix) ringgit. Comment est-ce que vous payez? En especes ou par carte bancaire/bleue?

    Passager: En especes. Vous acceptez les euros?

    P.N.C: Oui monsieur/madame, nous acceptons tous les principales devises et les cartes de credit courantes aussi.

    Passager: D’accord, ca fait combien en euros?

    P.N.C: C’est 155 (cent cinquante-cinq) euros.

    Passager: Tres bien, Voila 155 (cent cinquante-cinq)euros.

    P.N.C: Monsieur/madame, voici vos articles, merci pour vous achats.

    Passager: De rien


    P.N.C: Monsieur/madame, souhaitez-vous acquerir/acheter des articles hors-taxes?

    Passager: Bien sur, monsieur. Je cherche pour le parfum Coco Chanel N 5, vous l’avez?

    P.N.C: Nous sommes desoles monsieur/madame. Nous n’avons pas l’article que vous avez demande. Souhaitez/voulez-vous choisir d’autre articles? Nous avons le parfum Coco Chanel Mademoiselle et le parfum Chanel N 5 Eau Premiere qui vous interesserait.

    Passager: Tres bien, j’aimerais acheter le parfum Chanel N 5 Eau Premiere s’il vous plait. Ca coute combien?

    P.N.C: C’est 398 (trois cent quatre vingt dix-huit) ringgit. Comment est-ce que vous payez? En especes ou par carte bancaire/bleue?

    Passager: Je paie par carte bancaire, ca va?

    P.N.C: Ca va, tres bien! Monsieur/madame, votre carte bancaire s’il vous plait?

    Passager: Voici ma carte bancaire monsieur.

    P.N.C: Merci bien. Pouvez-vous signer le recu s’il vous plait.

    Passager: Bien sur.

    P.N.C: Voici votre carte bancaire, votre article et votre recu. Merci pour vous achats.


  4. *Sorry about the error for "C’est 610 (cent dix) ringgit", I've missed the word "six". It should be read as "C’est 610 (six cent dix) ringgit" on my previous comment.

    Bonne Revision a Tous!

  5. Parfait pour les deux dialogues.

    La seule modification que j'apporterais:

    "je cherche"

    au lieu de "je cherche pour" qui est un anglicisme

    sinon, c'est très bien.

    I do hope I will get to read other dialogues of the same quality and especially hear you all playing your creations live on the "mock plane"

    practice ...

    ALORS ... all of you please memorize your dialogues for next Tuesday June 30 ;)

  6. Correct

    We will see how to type these €%#~£¥*^ French accents on an American keyboard, both on PC and MAC.

  7. Merci Monsieur Alan pour le commentaire. D'accord, "je cherche pour" qui est un anglicisme.

    "Je voudrais acheter le parfum Coco Chanel N 5, vous l’avez?" (I would like to buy the perfume Coco Chanel N 5, do you have it?)


    "I'm looking for the perfume Coco Chanel N 5, do you have it?"(Je cherche pour le parfum Coco Chanel N 5, vous l’avez?)

    Thank you so much Monsieur Alan! To all my colleagues, don't be afraid to make any mistakes as I myself also do make mistakes in french, it's just part of our learning process in order to speak/learn better in future. All the best everyone!
